
Cangas is the town with the highest number of beaches in Europe. It has about 40 between urban and wild beaches of fine white sand with a high natural landscape value. Most of them have been awarded the Blue Flag
The routes are the best option to plunge into the history of these marine enclaves, discover its white sandy beaches with crystal clear waters, admire the sunsets over the Atlantic Oceans with Cíes Islands on the background, be in contact with nature and go along the coast. This is the perfect place for adventurers, nature lovers and inquisitive people willing to discover new corners.
Cangas and Vigo offer a wide variety of activities that will allow visitors to enjoy nature and discover these unparalleled landscapes in a unique way.
Cangas and Vigo offer high-quality cuisine with fresh sea products, such as fish and shellfish, prepared in a natural and traditional way.
The history of Vigo and Cangas has always been strongly linked to the sea. In Vigo, the remains of the Castro culture found in Monte de O Castro are worth mentioning. In Cangas, you can visit Monte Facho, a fortified settlement from the Iron Age.
Come and discover the quality of the natural spaces in this area, where you will find a wide variety of flora, fauna and amazing landscapes.
If you want to attend a popular celebration in Vigo, you will have a tough time choosing which one. There are different celebrations for all tastes, including traditional fairs, maritime celebrations, or centenarian events such as the Reconquest of Vigo.

Vigo metropolitan transport card

On Monday, April 27, 2015, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan began in the Vigo Area. This initiative allows all users of the maritime transport service between Cangas and Vigo to travel for just 1.52 euros.

The payment device that allows obtaining this rate in the ticket price is the TMG Card, a card-purse that is not personal and can be used interchangeably by anyone.

In addition, it has an additional recurrence bonus, so, in the event that 40 monthly trips are exceeded, the price of the ticket will be reduced.

The procedure established to obtain this additional bonus implies that the user pays his ticket daily at 1.52 euros and those who have consumed more than 40 trips in a calendar month, will make themselves available to him at the end of the following month. To do this, they must enter their card at ABANCA ATMs and accept the recharge corresponding to this additional bonus. The expiration period for acceptance of the recharge is two months.

All TMG Cards are valid for the five Metropolitan Transport areas: A Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo, Santiago and Vigo; and it can be requested by paying an amount of 2 euros, in some ABANCA offices, so it is recommended to inquire before going to the office that processes it.

The TMG Card can be reloaded with a minimum of 5 euros and a maximum of 60 euros, per recharge, with a maximum of 180 euros on each card.

The card is not personal, which will allow it to be used by anyone, and even to allow for the transportation of all people traveling together, as in the case of groups.

Anyone who does not have this card must purchase a normal ticket at a cost of 2.45 euros

TMG Xente Nova card

On August 27, 2016, the TMG Xente Nova card was made available to travelers for young people from 4 to 18 years of age.

Free rate for children under 4 years (without card)

¿Cómo solicito la tarjeta por primera vez?
Se puede solicitar abonando un importe de 2 euros, en algunas oficinas de ABANCA, por lo que se recomienda informarse antes para dirigirse a la oficina que la tramita
¿Dónde la puedo solicitar?

Cl. Méndez Núñez, 13
Cl. Eugenio Sequeiros, 13

Coiro (Cangas)
Av. Ourense, 27

Hío (Cangas)
Lg. Igrexario, 57

Aldán (Cangas)
Cl. San Cibrán, 17

Concello de Vigo
Av. García Barbón, 1

¿Dónde tiene validez?
Todas las Tarjetas TMG son válidas para las cinco áreas de Transporte Metropolitano: A Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo, Santiago y Vigo.
¿Cómo consigo la bonificación por recurrencia?
El procedimiento establecido para obtener esta bonificación adicional implica que diariamente el usuario abona su billete a 1,34 euros y aquellos que hayan consumido más de 40 viajes en un mes natural, a finales del mes siguiente se pondrán a su disposición. Para ello, deberán introducir su tarjeta en los cajeros de ABANCA y aceptar la recarga correspondiente a esta bonificación adicional. El plazo de caducidad para la aceptación de la recarga es de dos meses.
¿Cómo recargo mi tarjeta?
La Tarjeta TMG se podrá recargar con un mínimo de 5 euros y un máximo de 60 euros, por recarga, teniendo hasta un máximo de 180 euros en cada tarjeta.
¿Puedo compartir mi tarjeta?
La tarjeta no tiene carácter personal, lo que permitirá que sea utilizada por cualquier persona, e incluso que se pueda abonar el transporte de todas las personas que viajen juntas, como en el caso de los grupos.
¿Qué ventajas tiene?
Todo aquel que no disponga de esta tarjeta deberá adquirir un billete normal con un coste de 2,45 euros.

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